How to excel at the #1 leadership and life skill
Introducing the BM. Bartlett Portfolio
If you want to dramatically improve your performance and results, there’s a powerful skill you need to learn and excel at.
It’s a skill that separates high performers from their less successful counterparts. It is applied by champion businesses such as Coca Cola, Toyota and Google. Sports teams like the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team, the Argentina Football team and the USA women’s basketball team. And high performing individuals like Warren Buffett, JK Rowling and Roger Federer.
What is the skill? It is the ability to develop and skillfully execute a good strategy.
Yes, the secret to success in any endeavor is to develop and skillfully execute a good strategy. Furthermore, if you are not performing well and not getting the results you want, it is simply because your strategy and/or execution is flawed.
In business, the ability to develop and execute strategy has a specific term. It’s called strategic management.
Strategic management is so important that it is taught as the main subject in business school programs such as the MBA. It is the #1 skill of business leaders.
The reality is though, strategic management is not only the #1 leadership skill in business. It is the #1 life skill. Indeed, high performers in all walks of life are masters of strategic management.
Strategic management applies to anything you do in life that involves performance, whether it be growing a business, losing weight, improving your marriage, winning a sports championship or even playing a musical instrument. Success is all about skillfully executing a good strategy.
How to excel at strategic management? At work and in life? You need to develop the most important leadership. It’s called strategic leadership.
Strategic leadership defined? In simple terms, strategic leadership is the ability to guide oneself and others to achieve personal and team goals.
Most people are familiar with leadership as an ability to guide others. This is also known as team leadership. However, what’s more important than leading others is the ability to lead oneself. Combining these two leadership abilities is what strategic leadership is all about.
Anyway, if strategic leadership is something you want to be better at, you’ve come to the right place.
Hi. My name is Ben M. Bartlett and I want to send you warm greetings all the way from the beautiful country of New Zealand. I also want to introduce you to a portfolio of services specialising in strategic leadership. These services include high-level strategy consulting, leadership coaching and education.
BM. Bartlett offers a portfolio of consulting, coaching and education services dedicated to strategic leadership. And in helping teams and individuals to achieve strategic mastery. The portfolio is based around The Strategic Mastery Framework, revealed here:
Foundation components in the portfolio include:
The Planning With Pictures Method – a planning system built upon the “A picture is worth a thousand words” principle. Applies design thinking principles to help clients analyse and develop visual business models, strategic plans, roadmaps and goal trackers on a single page in sizes from A3 to A0.
The Planning With Pictures Method also includes more than 100 strategy tools built on the principles of design thinking. Tools include strategy grids, process visuals, scorecards and strategy models. Designed to improve strategic analysis, ideation, decision-making and planning, most of these tools are the intellectual property of BM. Bartlett, while a few are widely known and frequently used tools.
In terms of services the portfolio includes:
- Strategic MBA
- Planning With Pictures Projects
- Strat Words
Strategic MBA is our strategic leadership education service that provides education in the form of workshops, speeches, lectures and courses.
Planning With Pictures Projects is a high-level strategy consulting and planning service that applies our Planning with Pictures methodology, toolkit and strategy models.
You can learn more about these services by emailing ben at In the meantime, consider subscribing to the Strategic Lessons newsletter.
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